Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2015 (published: 01.06.2015)

Number 2(21)

Home > Issue > The sources of new economy’s formation in the light of integrative energy and ecological strategy

UDC 338

The sources of new economy’s formation in the light of integrative energy and ecological strategy

Melokumov E.V.

Abstract. The theoretical problems referred to the nature of inflation, interrelations between the employment and price dynamics, productivity of labor and non-inflationary economic growth, as well as interpretation of this growth in terms of GDP, require the new theory of money as the energy function of state of the world economic system, as  combining both relational and substantial properties; within that theory needed decisions and consistent interpretations are obtainable.  The conception of the substantional world money and connected with it principle of effective employment characterize the new economic thinking as the main source of what might be called wealth and well-being, stressing the correspondence between these conceptions, from the point of view of the economic growth modeling within the theory of money. The new economic thinking actualizes the applied synthesis of the synthesis theoretical, synthesis of economic theory and the theory of macroeconomic regulation, allowing effective treatment of the open problems in the era of globalization. The tradition of the Russian ethically non-neutral economic thought contains the sources of such new economic thinking, while in the integrative energy and ecological strategy the required synthesis receives theoretical, applied and practical realization needed for macroeconomic regulation during structural reforms and formation of the economy of the new type. Our ability to formulate so-called national economic interests as the interests of all humankind, that is expressing interests of the united humankind, has its  roots in the view on the economic process, as representing both material and spiritual contents, in the Russian economic thought.

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Keywords: new economic thinking, the energy function of state of the world economic system, the theory of the substantial world money, principle of effective employment, the principle of invariance of macroeconomic regulation, Humankind geo-ecological Sobornost.

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