About the issue
June 2015 (published: 01.06.2015)
Number 2(21)
Home > Issue > The marketing concept of the innovative enterprises
Chudesova G.P.
In the article the marketing concept of the high technology enterprises provi-ding effective functioning of the enterprise in the market is considered. Successful activity of the enterprise substantially depends on understanding the personnel that all functions carried out by him have a marketing component; that marketing should be included in each phase of the business, each component of a research-and-production cycle (RPC). After ordering of participation of components of marketing complex at all stages of life cycle of production in article the structure of functions which should be carried out by various services-offices of the high technology enterprise at full-scale realization of marketing activity by them is offered. In article five spheres RPC of the high technology enterprise - forecasting, scientific and technical(or design), industrial, references (actually the market) and operational (sphere of operation of a product at the consumer) are considered. For marketing orientation of innovative process the special attention is given to "Forecasting" sphere. In article the marketing role at each stage of a research-and-production cycle is defined.
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Keywords: Marketing, the high technology enterprise, innovative process.
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The marketing concept of the innovative enterprises
In the article the marketing concept of the high technology enterprises provi-ding effective functioning of the enterprise in the market is considered. Successful activity of the enterprise substantially depends on understanding the personnel that all functions carried out by him have a marketing component; that marketing should be included in each phase of the business, each component of a research-and-production cycle (RPC). After ordering of participation of components of marketing complex at all stages of life cycle of production in article the structure of functions which should be carried out by various services-offices of the high technology enterprise at full-scale realization of marketing activity by them is offered. In article five spheres RPC of the high technology enterprise - forecasting, scientific and technical(or design), industrial, references (actually the market) and operational (sphere of operation of a product at the consumer) are considered. For marketing orientation of innovative process the special attention is given to "Forecasting" sphere. In article the marketing role at each stage of a research-and-production cycle is defined.
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Keywords: Marketing, the high technology enterprise, innovative process.