About the issue
June 2015 (published: 01.06.2015)
Number 2(21)
Actual problems of management of innovative activity of the enterprises
Yablokova I.V. , Volkov S. D.
Abstract. Modern enterprise management in conditions of globalization of economy and the revival of industrial enterprises on a qualitatively new level, based on use in the production of huge innovation and information potential, is a complex process, which includes selecting and the implementation of a particular set of management actions to address strategic tasks of ensuring a sustainable financial and socio-economic development of the enterprise.The aspiration of subjects of economic activity to sustainable economic development often encounters a problem of need of the prime solution of a complex of innovative tasks. In a number of researches authors try to concentrate the efforts in relation to studying of separate aspects of formation and use of innovative capacity of the enterprises.
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Keywords: innovation, innovative entrepreneurship, competitiveness, regularities of socio-economic development.
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Actual problems of management of innovative activity of the enterprises
Abstract. Modern enterprise management in conditions of globalization of economy and the revival of industrial enterprises on a qualitatively new level, based on use in the production of huge innovation and information potential, is a complex process, which includes selecting and the implementation of a particular set of management actions to address strategic tasks of ensuring a sustainable financial and socio-economic development of the enterprise.The aspiration of subjects of economic activity to sustainable economic development often encounters a problem of need of the prime solution of a complex of innovative tasks. In a number of researches authors try to concentrate the efforts in relation to studying of separate aspects of formation and use of innovative capacity of the enterprises.
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Keywords: innovation, innovative entrepreneurship, competitiveness, regularities of socio-economic development.