About the issue
June 2015 (published: 01.06.2015)
Number 2(21)
The international experience of pension provision and pension system reformation
of the Russian Federation
Vasilenok V.L., Melnikov K.S.
Abstract. The pension system of the Russian Federation, remaining not well-functioning enough and ineffective mechanism for the pension provision, now goes through the next phase of legislative reform. In this process, under favorable economic and social factors in the development of the country, solutions and techniques, which have been found much earlier in European countries and successfully applied in their national pension systems, can be considered.It is from their meaningful adaptation depends on the perspective of the creation in Russia of a universal system of social protection that meets all the needs of the population. The process of reformation of the pension system in the Russian Federation is far from complete. A significant number of issues still not have a statutory decisions, many of logical surveys of recent years have not been applied in practice, and those that were able to overcome the barriers of approvals and revisions – written superficially and do not take into account many specific aspects. For the purpose of displaying the modern state of the pension system of the Russian Federation, identifying common problems in the implementation of its functions and the formation of comments on methods and techniques of pension reform and legislative resolution of contradictions let’s carry out a comparative analysis of domestic and certain overseas pension schemes.
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Keywords: the pension system, reform, funds, allocation, investment
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The international experience of pension provision and pension system reformation
of the Russian Federation
Abstract. The pension system of the Russian Federation, remaining not well-functioning enough and ineffective mechanism for the pension provision, now goes through the next phase of legislative reform. In this process, under favorable economic and social factors in the development of the country, solutions and techniques, which have been found much earlier in European countries and successfully applied in their national pension systems, can be considered.It is from their meaningful adaptation depends on the perspective of the creation in Russia of a universal system of social protection that meets all the needs of the population. The process of reformation of the pension system in the Russian Federation is far from complete. A significant number of issues still not have a statutory decisions, many of logical surveys of recent years have not been applied in practice, and those that were able to overcome the barriers of approvals and revisions – written superficially and do not take into account many specific aspects. For the purpose of displaying the modern state of the pension system of the Russian Federation, identifying common problems in the implementation of its functions and the formation of comments on methods and techniques of pension reform and legislative resolution of contradictions let’s carry out a comparative analysis of domestic and certain overseas pension schemes.
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Keywords: the pension system, reform, funds, allocation, investment