Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2015 (published: 01.06.2015)

Number 2(21)

Home > Issue > Updating approaches to mitigate regional disparities (for example, the subjects of the southern macro-region)

UDC 332.1

Updating approaches to mitigate regional disparities (for example, the subjects of the southern macro-region)

Mitrofanova I.V. , Mitrofanova I.А., Starokozheva G.N. , Shatyrko A.V.

Abstract. The article is based on the author's calculation of the coefficient of variation. The graphic illustration of the degree of uneven regional development in Russia on a range of socio-economic indicators is offered. It analyses the changes in indicators of budget sufficiency of subjects of the Southern and North-Caucasian Federal districts in the allocation of subsidies taking into account the introduction of negative transfers for two variants. The indices of the coefficients of variation confirm the sequence conservation of regional polarization in the Russian Federation and actualize the problem of finding instruments leveling. Use at the Federal level, such a tool as negative transfer, will allow us to reallocate funds from richer regions to poorer that will alleviate the problem of imbalance of regional budgets. Among other measures, which may contribute to the alignment of regional development: the rejection of the unitary-Federal approach and the consolidation of the Federation subjects and local authorities significant sources of tax revenue; financial support from the centre must be accompanied by the creation of the most favorable conditions for attracting investments in the regions; optimization of economic relations between the Federal centre and subjects of the Federation and municipalities.

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Keywords: socio-economic development, district, regional policy, transfers, subsidies, coefficient of variation, negative transfer, North Caucaian Federal District, Southern Federal District

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