About the issue
June 2015 (published: 01.06.2015)
Number 2(21)
The Innovative Process and its Information Support
Koroleva E.V.
Abstract. At present information is becoming a driving force in Russia, where much attention is paid to build up a new economy based on innovations. This article covers a number of issues related to information as follows:the role played by information in every stage of the innovation cycle; the importance for companies to obtain patent information (as a component of a wider information regarded to Science & Engineering) in order to monitor the developments in the world of innovations; specific features of patent information intended for the disclosure ofinnovative capacities, the creation ofefficient businesses andexploration of new markets capable to absorb brand new high-tech goods and services. Patent informationhas recently emerged as a steady flow of information generated as a product of relations arising from the creation and use of inventions, utility models and industrial designs. The further development of the national IP system in Russia will impose higher demands on business management and require a fuller use of patent information resources owned by the state. The latter will increase the competitiveness of Russian enterprises and the achievement of objectives set by the economic modernization. In this connection the article tackles the relevance of the creation and development of new infrastructure models that will promote a wider access to patent data bases and other IP information as well as training specialists in conducting patent research and the use of patent information. An example of a new model in providing patent information resources serves the network of Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) established in Russian Federation since 2011.
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Keywords: innovative development, innovation activities, information provision, scientific and technical information, patent information, innovation infrastructure, Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs).
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UDC 338
The Innovative Process and its Information Support
Abstract. At present information is becoming a driving force in Russia, where much attention is paid to build up a new economy based on innovations. This article covers a number of issues related to information as follows:the role played by information in every stage of the innovation cycle; the importance for companies to obtain patent information (as a component of a wider information regarded to Science & Engineering) in order to monitor the developments in the world of innovations; specific features of patent information intended for the disclosure ofinnovative capacities, the creation ofefficient businesses andexploration of new markets capable to absorb brand new high-tech goods and services. Patent informationhas recently emerged as a steady flow of information generated as a product of relations arising from the creation and use of inventions, utility models and industrial designs. The further development of the national IP system in Russia will impose higher demands on business management and require a fuller use of patent information resources owned by the state. The latter will increase the competitiveness of Russian enterprises and the achievement of objectives set by the economic modernization. In this connection the article tackles the relevance of the creation and development of new infrastructure models that will promote a wider access to patent data bases and other IP information as well as training specialists in conducting patent research and the use of patent information. An example of a new model in providing patent information resources serves the network of Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) established in Russian Federation since 2011.
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Keywords: innovative development, innovation activities, information provision, scientific and technical information, patent information, innovation infrastructure, Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs).