About the issue
March 2015 (published: 16.03.2015)
Number 1(20)
Institutional analysis of the concepts of entrepreneurship
Broslavsky V.A., Aleksov N.V.
Abstract. The studies analysis the formation of concepts for the entrepreneurship development. It’s used institutional approach, based on the assertion of the existence of the relationship between economic, social, political, ethical, and legal issues. The notion of entrepreneurship with regard to the level of the current socio-economic and technological development of society.
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Keywords: entrepreneurship, institutional approach, new economic school, the concept of entrepreneurship.
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UDC 338
Institutional analysis of the concepts of entrepreneurship
Abstract. The studies analysis the formation of concepts for the entrepreneurship development. It’s used institutional approach, based on the assertion of the existence of the relationship between economic, social, political, ethical, and legal issues. The notion of entrepreneurship with regard to the level of the current socio-economic and technological development of society.
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Keywords: entrepreneurship, institutional approach, new economic school, the concept of entrepreneurship.