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March 2015 (published: 16.03.2015)
Number 1(20)
Home > Issue > Current status and trends of innovation sectoral economic systems in industrialized countries
Filatov V. V.
In this article the current state and trends of the markets of innovations of branch economic systems in the advanced industrial countries, on the example of the food industry of the USA, Japan, Great Britain, to France, China and Germany are analysed. A key priority in development of the market of innovations of branch economic systems on the example of the food industry of the USA is encouragement and stimulation of scientific and technical progress at the corporate level of branch. It should be noted the high level of potential and scientific and technical development of the markets of innovations of branch economic systems on the example of the food industry of Japan. In Great Britain there were reforms, and also change of structure of the markets of innovations of branch economic systems in recent years on the example of the food industry which are aimed at increase of level of efficiency of the organization of innovative management in branch. In France there was "a regional innovative revolution" which led to transformation of processes on the internal organization of innovative space in recent years. It is necessary to point to considerable deficiency of resources of the venture capital necessary for stimulation of innovations in the private sector of the enterprises of the food industry of Germany that in the period of a world global economic crisis influences the level of innovation of subjects of the markets of innovations. Innovations for increase of efficiency of functioning of the enterprises of the food industry are an imperative in relation to ensuring sustainable economic development of economy of China taking into account an overpopulation of the country and need of the prime solution of problems of national food security. Advantages, shortcomings and possibilities of use in Russia of foreign experience of development of the markets of innovations of branch economic systems on the example of the food industry are analysed.
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Keywords: innovation, industry economic system, food industry.
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UDC 332.146.2
Current status and trends of innovation sectoral economic systems in industrialized countries
In this article the current state and trends of the markets of innovations of branch economic systems in the advanced industrial countries, on the example of the food industry of the USA, Japan, Great Britain, to France, China and Germany are analysed. A key priority in development of the market of innovations of branch economic systems on the example of the food industry of the USA is encouragement and stimulation of scientific and technical progress at the corporate level of branch. It should be noted the high level of potential and scientific and technical development of the markets of innovations of branch economic systems on the example of the food industry of Japan. In Great Britain there were reforms, and also change of structure of the markets of innovations of branch economic systems in recent years on the example of the food industry which are aimed at increase of level of efficiency of the organization of innovative management in branch. In France there was "a regional innovative revolution" which led to transformation of processes on the internal organization of innovative space in recent years. It is necessary to point to considerable deficiency of resources of the venture capital necessary for stimulation of innovations in the private sector of the enterprises of the food industry of Germany that in the period of a world global economic crisis influences the level of innovation of subjects of the markets of innovations. Innovations for increase of efficiency of functioning of the enterprises of the food industry are an imperative in relation to ensuring sustainable economic development of economy of China taking into account an overpopulation of the country and need of the prime solution of problems of national food security. Advantages, shortcomings and possibilities of use in Russia of foreign experience of development of the markets of innovations of branch economic systems on the example of the food industry are analysed.
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Keywords: innovation, industry economic system, food industry.