About the issue
March 2015 (published: 16.03.2015)
Number 1(20)
Ecological initiatives: social effect evaluation
Rozhdestvenskaia N.V. , Boguslavskaya S. B.
Abstract. Several evaluation methods were created for quantitative analysis of a project's social effect. Some of them are still undeveloped; some were developed exclusively for projects of a particular kind; some were specifically designed by foundations for grant distribution purposes. One of the most versatile methods is Social Return On Investment (SROI). This method is applicable to social value as produced either by NGOs, social entrepreneurs or civic initiatives. It also stands a better chance of being understood by investors because of its derivation from the well-known business effectiveness indicator (ROI). This article addresses specific issues of SROI evaluation as applied to ecological projects and initiatives.
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Keywords: social investments, social effect, social effectiveness, social effectiveness evaluation, social return on investments, SROI, social discount rate.
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Ecological initiatives: social effect evaluation
Abstract. Several evaluation methods were created for quantitative analysis of a project's social effect. Some of them are still undeveloped; some were developed exclusively for projects of a particular kind; some were specifically designed by foundations for grant distribution purposes. One of the most versatile methods is Social Return On Investment (SROI). This method is applicable to social value as produced either by NGOs, social entrepreneurs or civic initiatives. It also stands a better chance of being understood by investors because of its derivation from the well-known business effectiveness indicator (ROI). This article addresses specific issues of SROI evaluation as applied to ecological projects and initiatives.
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Keywords: social investments, social effect, social effectiveness, social effectiveness evaluation, social return on investments, SROI, social discount rate.