Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

March 2015 (published: 16.03.2015)

Number 1(20)

Home > Issue > Regional economic policy: new priorities in terms of foreign economic sanctions

UDC 332.02

Regional economic policy: new priorities in terms of foreign economic sanctions

Tlisov A.B. , Rodionova E.V. , Ivanov N.P.

Abstract. The recent slowdown in import growth in Russia, including associated with and a response to economic sanctions is the result of the targeted economic policy of the state that gives support to Russian producers. Import substitution program effective in the real sector of the economy, where competitive advantages: available raw materials, a large domestic market, a long tradition and experience. The article proposes a number of measures on the formation mechanisms of import substitution in industry and agriculture of the Rostov region and most of them are universal and can be used in the practice of regional governance in other regions. The purpose of the proposed priority actions - not closing the internal market and the conservation of backwardness, and the creation of new competitive industries, producing high-quality and popular consumer goods. The main direction of import substitution - organization of production of those products which are in demand in the region, have a high added value, the cost of the organization which will give the greatest return.

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Keywords: regional economic policy, economic sanctions, economic growth, Rostov region, southern Russia, import substitution, industry, agriculture.

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