About the issue
March 2015 (published: 16.03.2015)
Number 1(20)
Actual problems of management of innovations at the enterprises of small business
Mukhina T.N. , Minaichenkova E.I. , Filatov V. V.
Abstract. Modern market management technologies require the use of marketing, logistics, outsourcing tools in the organization of enterprise activity, which to date has not received much attention in the system of management of business structures. Having different perspectives on the problems of development of the mechanism of control of modern business structures in small business, lack of practical recommendations on introduction of modern management technologies in activity of small enterprises and determined the relevance of the study. Support of innovative entrepreneurship is one of the priority directions of the state scientific and technical and economic policy in all countries with developed market economies.
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Keywords: innovation, innovative entrepreneurship, administrative innovations, regularities of socio-economic development
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UDC 332.146.2
Actual problems of management of innovations at the enterprises of small business
Abstract. Modern market management technologies require the use of marketing, logistics, outsourcing tools in the organization of enterprise activity, which to date has not received much attention in the system of management of business structures. Having different perspectives on the problems of development of the mechanism of control of modern business structures in small business, lack of practical recommendations on introduction of modern management technologies in activity of small enterprises and determined the relevance of the study. Support of innovative entrepreneurship is one of the priority directions of the state scientific and technical and economic policy in all countries with developed market economies.
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Keywords: innovation, innovative entrepreneurship, administrative innovations, regularities of socio-economic development