About the issue
June 2014 (published: 11.06.2014)
Number 2(17)
Home > Issue > Market of medical services and expenditure
Seleznev V.D., Volkov S. D.
The article discusses the factors and the economic impact of market development of health services in the context of the modernization of the Russian health care. Real processes of institutional change inevitably generate blurring organizational boundaries and mobility. This can be interpreted as an important moment to adapt to changing conditions of operation, and hence the appearance of a new combination of rights and obligations. A special role in these processes belongs health insurance companies. They should act as a mediator, advocate for patients. Analysis of the real state of affairs in this area shows that increasing the number of actors involved in the health insurance system, objectively increases the number of transactions carried out, and the development of rules and norms of behavior of a purely economic increasingly becoming a political and legal process. The authors of an analysis of spending on the various groups having different values of annual revenues, clearly showing the trend - the higher the income, the higher the share of health care costs.
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Keywords: modernization, health, markets, services, transactions costs.
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UDC 101.1:316
Market of medical services and expenditure
The article discusses the factors and the economic impact of market development of health services in the context of the modernization of the Russian health care. Real processes of institutional change inevitably generate blurring organizational boundaries and mobility. This can be interpreted as an important moment to adapt to changing conditions of operation, and hence the appearance of a new combination of rights and obligations. A special role in these processes belongs health insurance companies. They should act as a mediator, advocate for patients. Analysis of the real state of affairs in this area shows that increasing the number of actors involved in the health insurance system, objectively increases the number of transactions carried out, and the development of rules and norms of behavior of a purely economic increasingly becoming a political and legal process. The authors of an analysis of spending on the various groups having different values of annual revenues, clearly showing the trend - the higher the income, the higher the share of health care costs.
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Keywords: modernization, health, markets, services, transactions costs.