About the issue
June 2014 (published: 11.06.2014)
Number 2(17)
A concept of transit potential in the region’s road transportation system
Tohirov T. I.
Abstract. The article discusses the transit potential of the regional road transportation system and highlights the main factors influencing the burden of transit cargo flows on the road transportation system in Tajikistan. Geo-economic, geopolitical, infrastructural, technological and logistic service factors are reviewed.
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Keywords: road transportation system, transit potential, geo-economic, geopolitical, infrastructural, technological, logistic service.
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UDC 332.13
A concept of transit potential in the region’s road transportation system
Abstract. The article discusses the transit potential of the regional road transportation system and highlights the main factors influencing the burden of transit cargo flows on the road transportation system in Tajikistan. Geo-economic, geopolitical, infrastructural, technological and logistic service factors are reviewed.
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Keywords: road transportation system, transit potential, geo-economic, geopolitical, infrastructural, technological, logistic service.