About the issue
2014 (published: 15.09.2014)
Number 3(18)
Analysis of the functioning transportation system region during the
implementation of transport
Tohirov T. I.
Abstract. Analyzes the functioning of the trucking system in Tajikistan during international transport. Revealed significant changes in the structural and functional features of the transport services.
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Keywords: motor system, international transport, turnover, passenger, transport corridor, integration, internationalization of transport infrastructure.
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UDC 338.47:656(575.3)
Analysis of the functioning transportation system region during the
implementation of transport
Abstract. Analyzes the functioning of the trucking system in Tajikistan during international transport. Revealed significant changes in the structural and functional features of the transport services.
Read the full article

Keywords: motor system, international transport, turnover, passenger, transport corridor, integration, internationalization of transport infrastructure.