About the issue
2014 (published: 15.09.2014)
Number 3(18)
Home > Issue > Innovative education - innovation economy - innovative society
Rukina I.M. , Filatov V. V.
In this article, a study paradigm innovative education - innovation economy - innovative society. Experience in the use of information technology in the educational process and scientific research shows that the further development of education in universities should be built from one side to the active introduction into the learning process of new information technologies, which have found wide application in practice and outcomes research, and on the other hand - on the implementation of innovative educational technologies to improve the quality of education.
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Keywords: innovation, process innovation, innovation, innovation economy, breakthrough innovation, innovation strategy.
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UDC 332.146.2
Innovative education - innovation economy - innovative society
In this article, a study paradigm innovative education - innovation economy - innovative society. Experience in the use of information technology in the educational process and scientific research shows that the further development of education in universities should be built from one side to the active introduction into the learning process of new information technologies, which have found wide application in practice and outcomes research, and on the other hand - on the implementation of innovative educational technologies to improve the quality of education.
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Keywords: innovation, process innovation, innovation, innovation economy, breakthrough innovation, innovation strategy.