About the issue
2014 (published: 15.09.2014)
Number 3(18)
Study of economic mechanisms and functional characteristics market management innovations
Polozhentseva I.V. , Palastina I.P. , Filatov V. V.
Abstract. In this article, a study of economic mechanisms and functional characteristics of market management innovations in modern economic instability. Market innovation can be defined as a system of economic forms and mechanisms related to innovative entrepreneurship, terms and place of sale of goods-innovations. The possible range of factors affecting the price of innovation. Analyzed economic methods for establishing the expected price of products produced with the use of innovations. The features of the cost of innovation, defined specificity of its pricing. The possibilities of reducing asymmetric information about the quality of innovation. Studied essential regulatory functions of the market innovations.
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Keywords: innovation, innovative entrepreneurship, innovation markets, regularities of socio-economic development.
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UDC 332.146.2
Study of economic mechanisms and functional characteristics market management innovations
Abstract. In this article, a study of economic mechanisms and functional characteristics of market management innovations in modern economic instability. Market innovation can be defined as a system of economic forms and mechanisms related to innovative entrepreneurship, terms and place of sale of goods-innovations. The possible range of factors affecting the price of innovation. Analyzed economic methods for establishing the expected price of products produced with the use of innovations. The features of the cost of innovation, defined specificity of its pricing. The possibilities of reducing asymmetric information about the quality of innovation. Studied essential regulatory functions of the market innovations.
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Keywords: innovation, innovative entrepreneurship, innovation markets, regularities of socio-economic development.