About the issue
2014 (published: 15.09.2014)
Number 3(18)
Home > Issue > Decentralization of Bank capital as an indicator of the trust level
in the interbank lending market
Oleshewa E.E.
The practice of the economic crises in the last century confirms the absence of the sufficient quality of "long" resources in the national economy. Therefore, we have to deal only with the money market and the capital market is only in its infancy. In turn, the mechanism for accommodation with long-term funding sources in the Russian economic system is the most important channel providing the interaction between the private sector and monetary authorities. One possible solution is the increase in interbank credit market as a main factor of consolidation of the banking system of the RF. As a way out of the current situation, we see the justification as the main factor of consolidation of the banking system of the RF market of interbank credits. Thus, the banking system and its database of credit resources should be main factors of innovation of national economy. Thus, he banking system and its database of credit resources act as major engines of an output mechanism of the domestic economy on the path of innovative updating. The "long money" is going to take its origin from the trust in the banking area. In turn, the indicator of trust level will be the decentralization of the national banking capital.
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Keywords: economic crises, "long money”, interbank credits, banking system, trust, banking capital.
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Decentralization of Bank capital as an indicator of the trust level
in the interbank lending market
The practice of the economic crises in the last century confirms the absence of the sufficient quality of "long" resources in the national economy. Therefore, we have to deal only with the money market and the capital market is only in its infancy. In turn, the mechanism for accommodation with long-term funding sources in the Russian economic system is the most important channel providing the interaction between the private sector and monetary authorities. One possible solution is the increase in interbank credit market as a main factor of consolidation of the banking system of the RF. As a way out of the current situation, we see the justification as the main factor of consolidation of the banking system of the RF market of interbank credits. Thus, the banking system and its database of credit resources should be main factors of innovation of national economy. Thus, he banking system and its database of credit resources act as major engines of an output mechanism of the domestic economy on the path of innovative updating. The "long money" is going to take its origin from the trust in the banking area. In turn, the indicator of trust level will be the decentralization of the national banking capital.
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Keywords: economic crises, "long money”, interbank credits, banking system, trust, banking capital.