About the issue
2014 (published: 15.09.2014)
Number 3(18)
The impact of innovation on competitiveness of Russian enterprises
Mukhina T.N. , Minaichenkova E.I. , Filatov V. V.
Abstract. This article investigation of the influence of innovation on competitiveness of Russian enterprises. Competition in the field of innovation - this is the kind of innovation contest with unpredictable in some cases results in solving scientific-technical, socio-economic and other problems. To increase the useful effect of the manufactured products, the company must use its competitive struggle innovative approach. Examined the factors of competitiveness of innovations, methodology of determining the competitiveness and especially to the definition of competitiveness of the goods in modern conditions.
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Keywords: innovation, innovative entrepreneurship, competitiveness, regularities of socio-economic development.
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UDC 332.146.2
The impact of innovation on competitiveness of Russian enterprises
Abstract. This article investigation of the influence of innovation on competitiveness of Russian enterprises. Competition in the field of innovation - this is the kind of innovation contest with unpredictable in some cases results in solving scientific-technical, socio-economic and other problems. To increase the useful effect of the manufactured products, the company must use its competitive struggle innovative approach. Examined the factors of competitiveness of innovations, methodology of determining the competitiveness and especially to the definition of competitiveness of the goods in modern conditions.
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Keywords: innovation, innovative entrepreneurship, competitiveness, regularities of socio-economic development.