Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

2014 (published: 15.09.2014)

Number 3(18)

Home > Issue > Social aspects of ecology and humankind ecological Sobornost

UDC 378.147

Social aspects of ecology and humankind ecological Sobornost

Melokumov E.V.

Abstract. There is a search undertaken for the generalizations on the level of which social aspects of ecology realize characteristics of dual relationship between the economy and culture, and, thus, form necessary links between them by considering a man as the creator of social action in interacting, using resources and conveying the economic energy (“money as the energy of civilization as expressed economically”). In working out synthesizing approach to certain problems in different disciplines, from interdisciplinary positions, and thus expanding their boundaries, there is a cultural space being created for geo-ecological Sobornost, that brings uniting humankind life values, regardless of the national, religious or local culture differences; and there opens the vision of the new civilization perspective in its spiritual grounds. For money is not capital which is accumulated, but the economic energy which is  conserved, in practical respect, in particular, the conclusion is being made about the necessity of implementing the global structure of ecological private money, and financial markets reform on a conceptually new basis, with building up, together with ecology funds, the bank institutions, as not generating interest profits. The fact that the increasing share of renewable energy sources used by humankind results in the decrease of the dimensionless energy intensity and productivity of the world economy demonstrates the economic inefficiency for all the countries and the whole world of the further development of fossil fuels extraction, esp. in Arctic region, and shale energy.        

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Keywords: geo-ecological Sobornost, integral energy-and-ecological strategy, ecological private money, principle of effective employment, dimensionless energy intensity, reform of financial markets and non-positive rates of interest, ecological industrialization.         

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