About the issue
2014 (published: 15.09.2014)
Number 3(18)
Comparative characteristics of innovative forms of financing business
Laskina L.Y., Vlasova M.S. , Pogostinskaja N.N.
Abstract. In the current economic situation the most urgent is the problem of attracting cheap and "long" money for companies of all legal forms and spheres of activity. Currently, funding is not at the proper level. This is mainly due to the lack of own funds for implementation of self-financing, insufficient financial support from the state, the high cost and risks of using new technologies. In this case, besides already traditional methods of external financing, such as credit, leasing, franchising, factoring (forfeiting) in the business arena go unconventional, innovative in a sense, the possibility to attract the necessary financial resources. The article contains comparative characteristic of modern, traditional and innovative forms of financing current and investment activity of organizations. Presents their definitions from the position of the conventional interpretations and regulatory framework. The authors suggest all sources of funding be divided into two groups from the point of view of the urgency and forms of their existence.
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Keywords: Fundraising, сrowdsourcing, securitization, endowment, and innovative forms of financing.
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Comparative characteristics of innovative forms of financing business
Abstract. In the current economic situation the most urgent is the problem of attracting cheap and "long" money for companies of all legal forms and spheres of activity. Currently, funding is not at the proper level. This is mainly due to the lack of own funds for implementation of self-financing, insufficient financial support from the state, the high cost and risks of using new technologies. In this case, besides already traditional methods of external financing, such as credit, leasing, franchising, factoring (forfeiting) in the business arena go unconventional, innovative in a sense, the possibility to attract the necessary financial resources. The article contains comparative characteristic of modern, traditional and innovative forms of financing current and investment activity of organizations. Presents their definitions from the position of the conventional interpretations and regulatory framework. The authors suggest all sources of funding be divided into two groups from the point of view of the urgency and forms of their existence.
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Keywords: Fundraising, сrowdsourcing, securitization, endowment, and innovative forms of financing.