About the issue
2014 (published: 15.09.2014)
Number 3(18)
Crisis management:
Foreignexperienceand practice in Russia
Belous E.V., Petropavlova G.P.
Abstract. The results of scientific research that are presented in this itemaimed to improve theory and praxis of crisis management in contemporary economic circumstances’ of Russia. The types of crisis management in Russia and abroad are identified and described in the article. The characteristic of current law on insolvency shows the problems of its use. The timelyfinancial diagnostics of enterprise is of big importance, and it’s necessary to enhance the methods of diagnostics. The role of crisis management consulting is considerable nowadays. The use of innovative management methods should promote the better competitive ability of one enterprise and the whole national economics.
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Keywords: crisis management, experience of crisis management organization in Russia and abroad
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Crisis management:
Foreignexperienceand practice in Russia
Abstract. The results of scientific research that are presented in this itemaimed to improve theory and praxis of crisis management in contemporary economic circumstances’ of Russia. The types of crisis management in Russia and abroad are identified and described in the article. The characteristic of current law on insolvency shows the problems of its use. The timelyfinancial diagnostics of enterprise is of big importance, and it’s necessary to enhance the methods of diagnostics. The role of crisis management consulting is considerable nowadays. The use of innovative management methods should promote the better competitive ability of one enterprise and the whole national economics.
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Keywords: crisis management, experience of crisis management organization in Russia and abroad