September 2024 (published: 09.09.2024)
Number 3(58)
The journal is published by St Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University)
The scientific series Economics and Environmental Management has been published since 2007 as a science-oriented and academic periodical, now of the ITMO University. Before 2013, it was issued under the name Scientific Journal of St Petersburg State University of Low Temperature and Food Technologies: Economics and Environmental Management. Since 2013, the same series has been published under the auspices of St Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University).
Annually, two issues of the journal are published in March and September (sized 50 Mb each).
This periodical has been registered with the Federal Service of Supervision in the Sphere of Communication, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (certificate EL No FS 77–55411 of 17/09/2013; ISSN 2072-2397).
Scientific journal of NIU ITMO. The series "Economics and Environmental Management" publishes materials in scientific areas:
5.2.1. Economics (economic sciences)
5.2.4. Finance (economic sciences)
5.2.6. Management (economic sciences)
The journal is on The List of Leading Reviewed Scientific Journals Responsible for Publishing Major Research Results from the Theses for Ph.D. and Senior Doctorate Degrees approved by the Higher Attestation Commission.
An outline of the topics covered by the journal
- Researches in the theory of microeconomics, the theory of transitional economy and transformation of socio-economic systems.
- History and methods of the science of economics, development and evolution of various trends and schools of economic thought in the postmodern period, and Russian school of economic thought.
- Spatial economic transformations, research on tendencies, regularities, factors and conditions of functioning and development of regional socio-economic subsystems.
- Environmental management.
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