About the issue
2014 (published: 16.03.2014)
Number 1(16)
The Essenceof Inflation and Its Contentinthe Modern Russian Economy
Kotcofana T.V.
Abstract. Inflation – well-known, and at the same time so far insufficiently explained phenomenon of social and economic life. This is due to the complexity and versatility of the problem and also that the content of inflation evolves in time and space and varies depending on the specific economic and political conditions. Therefore it is difficult to justify significantly any theory explaining inflation for all circumstances of time and place . As a way to overcome this problemthe author proposes to share the essence and content of inflation. The essence of inflation is defined as the excess of nominal values of economic indicators over their real content. The social conflict about redistribution of public wealth is allocated as the prime cause of the existence of inflation. At the same time the author demonstrates variety of the factors which determine the character of inflationary process that predetermines the need of studying of the content of inflation at the country level.
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Keywords: inflation,price increase, essence, content, hidden forms,social conflict, monopolism, disparities.
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UDC 336.748.12
The Essenceof Inflation and Its Contentinthe Modern Russian Economy
Abstract. Inflation – well-known, and at the same time so far insufficiently explained phenomenon of social and economic life. This is due to the complexity and versatility of the problem and also that the content of inflation evolves in time and space and varies depending on the specific economic and political conditions. Therefore it is difficult to justify significantly any theory explaining inflation for all circumstances of time and place . As a way to overcome this problemthe author proposes to share the essence and content of inflation. The essence of inflation is defined as the excess of nominal values of economic indicators over their real content. The social conflict about redistribution of public wealth is allocated as the prime cause of the existence of inflation. At the same time the author demonstrates variety of the factors which determine the character of inflationary process that predetermines the need of studying of the content of inflation at the country level.
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Keywords: inflation,price increase, essence, content, hidden forms,social conflict, monopolism, disparities.