About the issue
2014 (published: 16.03.2014)
Number 1(16)
The role of the all - russian peoples front constitutional protection - legal
Fundamentals russian state: basic aspects
Kolotilin A.V., Kuszczak A. I.
Abstract. Created in Russia at the initiative of the President Vladimir Putin the all-Russian popular front carries out important functions in the field of assistance to public authorities in realization of the key directions of policy in all areas of activity. The importance of ONF gives to protection of a law and order and legality in the Russian Federation, and also protection constitutionally – legal bases of our country. According to the authorized purposes of this voluntary public association by a main objective of its activity the help to public authorities and local government in their realization constitutionally – legal powers, and also protection of the state and society against various extremist and radical manifestations which threaten bases of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation acts; break fundamental interests of society and the state; interfere with implementation of the major constitutional laws and freedoms of the person and the citizen. The great value in activity of the specified association is attached to support of initiatives which are directed on modernization and strengthening of the Russian economy.
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Keywords: Russian state; President of the Russian Federation; constitutionally – legal bases; all-Russian popular front; protection of bases of the state; activity of public authorities and local government; protection of constitutional laws and freedoms of the person and citizen; economy modernization.
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UDC 342.553
The role of the all - russian peoples front constitutional protection - legal
Fundamentals russian state: basic aspects
Abstract. Created in Russia at the initiative of the President Vladimir Putin the all-Russian popular front carries out important functions in the field of assistance to public authorities in realization of the key directions of policy in all areas of activity. The importance of ONF gives to protection of a law and order and legality in the Russian Federation, and also protection constitutionally – legal bases of our country. According to the authorized purposes of this voluntary public association by a main objective of its activity the help to public authorities and local government in their realization constitutionally – legal powers, and also protection of the state and society against various extremist and radical manifestations which threaten bases of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation acts; break fundamental interests of society and the state; interfere with implementation of the major constitutional laws and freedoms of the person and the citizen. The great value in activity of the specified association is attached to support of initiatives which are directed on modernization and strengthening of the Russian economy.
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Keywords: Russian state; President of the Russian Federation; constitutionally – legal bases; all-Russian popular front; protection of bases of the state; activity of public authorities and local government; protection of constitutional laws and freedoms of the person and citizen; economy modernization.