About the issue
2014 (published: 16.03.2014)
Number 1(16)
Development of forms of public-private partnerships in the Russian economy
Vasilenok V.L., Shpakovich D.K.
Abstract. The emergence of forms of public-private partnership in the Russian Federation due to the mutually beneficial cooperation of the state and the private sector, the demand of time and the objective necessity of transition to a new level of productive cooperation. This article describes the most popular forms of cooperation between the state and the private sector to achieve maximum efficiency in the implementation of contracts.
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Keywords: public-private partnerships , public-private partnerships , contracts, leases, concessions , investments.
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UDC 338
Development of forms of public-private partnerships in the Russian economy
Abstract. The emergence of forms of public-private partnership in the Russian Federation due to the mutually beneficial cooperation of the state and the private sector, the demand of time and the objective necessity of transition to a new level of productive cooperation. This article describes the most popular forms of cooperation between the state and the private sector to achieve maximum efficiency in the implementation of contracts.
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Keywords: public-private partnerships , public-private partnerships , contracts, leases, concessions , investments.