About the issue
2014 (published: 16.03.2014)
Number 1(16)
Role of the ecological knowledges in fomirovanii obschkuliturnyh
competency of the student
Alekseev G.V. , Borovkov M.I.
Abstract. Questions of the shaping competency graduate of the high educational institutions are considered In article in country participant Bolonskogo agreement. The national particularities of the checking are Analysed for shaping cultural competency in that ecological. Happen to the findings and recommendations.
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Keywords: integration in world educational system, ecological knowledges, national particularities by management, higher educations in country participant Bolonskogo process.
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UDC 502/504:311. 87.01.75
Role of the ecological knowledges in fomirovanii obschkuliturnyh
competency of the student
Abstract. Questions of the shaping competency graduate of the high educational institutions are considered In article in country participant Bolonskogo agreement. The national particularities of the checking are Analysed for shaping cultural competency in that ecological. Happen to the findings and recommendations.
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Keywords: integration in world educational system, ecological knowledges, national particularities by management, higher educations in country participant Bolonskogo process.