About the issue
June 2013 (published: 03.06.2013)
Number 2(13)
Statistics of financial security and productivity of scientific activity
Maximova T.G., Кукушкин А.М. , Shanygin S.I.
Abstract. In article features of development of national research systems are considered. The comparative analysis of expenses of the different countries on science is made. Dependences of productivity of scientific activity on investment volumes are given to this sphere. The system of the indicators characterizing security of scientific activity is offered.
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Keywords: productivity of scientific activity, expenses of the state budget on science development, accounting of the personnel of the scientific sphere.
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Statistics of financial security and productivity of scientific activity
Abstract. In article features of development of national research systems are considered. The comparative analysis of expenses of the different countries on science is made. Dependences of productivity of scientific activity on investment volumes are given to this sphere. The system of the indicators characterizing security of scientific activity is offered.
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Keywords: productivity of scientific activity, expenses of the state budget on science development, accounting of the personnel of the scientific sphere.