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June 2013 (published: 03.06.2013)
Number 2(13)
Home > Issue > Federal Law: unused opportunities made the amendment for protective water sources
Lopatin S.A., Terentev V.I.
The article authors analyze the situation in the region and report data concerning natural water quality, water sources' sanitary protection zones (PSZ) and the financial expenses needed to perform efficient water conditioning. This situation is caused by imperfection of the laws and first of all – of the Federal Law “On Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of Population” (No52 of 30.03. 1999) and SanPin as well as the Water Code of the Russian Federation. These documents do not include all provisions of other federal laws regarding protection of water bodies. E.g. according to Federal Law No 33-ФЗ of 14.03.1995 “On specially protected natural reservations” (art. 2) it is stated that the executive bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation, bodies of local administration may establish other categories of specially protected natural reservations (SPNR). So there exists the legal base to increase the status of PSZ of water sources by extension of the list of SPNR by including PSZ.
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Keywords: water sources' sanitary protection zones, water source, water supply, centralized water supply system, law, environmental and sanitary legislation, specially protected natural reservations.
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UDC 628
Federal Law: unused opportunities made the amendment for protective water sources
The article authors analyze the situation in the region and report data concerning natural water quality, water sources' sanitary protection zones (PSZ) and the financial expenses needed to perform efficient water conditioning. This situation is caused by imperfection of the laws and first of all – of the Federal Law “On Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of Population” (No52 of 30.03. 1999) and SanPin as well as the Water Code of the Russian Federation. These documents do not include all provisions of other federal laws regarding protection of water bodies. E.g. according to Federal Law No 33-ФЗ of 14.03.1995 “On specially protected natural reservations” (art. 2) it is stated that the executive bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation, bodies of local administration may establish other categories of specially protected natural reservations (SPNR). So there exists the legal base to increase the status of PSZ of water sources by extension of the list of SPNR by including PSZ.
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Keywords: water sources' sanitary protection zones, water source, water supply, centralized water supply system, law, environmental and sanitary legislation, specially protected natural reservations.