About the issue
SEPTEMBER 2012 (published: 10.09.2012)
Number 2(11)
Some questions about practice of using for biological resources according to economic devise of Far Eastern Region
Krainova N. A., Manko K. A.
Abstract. This article contains problems of the standard-legal regulation in the process of realization of specialized craft of Walleye pollock in seas of the Far Eastern fishery pool, making negative impact on a condition of protection of fish stocks of the Russian Federation (from the point of view of the state supervising and control bodies). Changes in corresponding rules of the fishery are analyzed. Questions of differentiation of concepts of industrial and coastal fishery are separately considered. Specific proposals on entering of respective alterations into the active fishing legislation are specified.
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Keywords: fishery, public prosecutor's supervision, specialized craft, Walleye pollock, the Far East fishery pool
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Some questions about practice of using for biological resources according to economic devise of Far Eastern Region
Abstract. This article contains problems of the standard-legal regulation in the process of realization of specialized craft of Walleye pollock in seas of the Far Eastern fishery pool, making negative impact on a condition of protection of fish stocks of the Russian Federation (from the point of view of the state supervising and control bodies). Changes in corresponding rules of the fishery are analyzed. Questions of differentiation of concepts of industrial and coastal fishery are separately considered. Specific proposals on entering of respective alterations into the active fishing legislation are specified.
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Keywords: fishery, public prosecutor's supervision, specialized craft, Walleye pollock, the Far East fishery pool