About the issue
SEPTEMBER 2012 (published: 10.09.2012)
Number 2(11)
Home > Issue > The problem of the Middle-Class Formation and Lyapunov's theorem
Ahtyamov A. M.
The article proves the priority of the following measures to increase the share of the middle class: 1) release from the administrative state media entrepreneurship small business, 2) a stiff competition policy. The measures are proved by Lyapunov's theorem.
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Keywords: management, middle class, small business
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UDC 338.2
The problem of the Middle-Class Formation and Lyapunov's theorem
The article proves the priority of the following measures to increase the share of the middle class: 1) release from the administrative state media entrepreneurship small business, 2) a stiff competition policy. The measures are proved by Lyapunov's theorem.
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Keywords: management, middle class, small business