About the issue
MARCH 2012 (published: 01.03.2012)
Number 1(10)
Home > Issue > Working out of model of management by a portfolio of new production the machine-building enterprise
Sivyakova M.V., Laskina L.Y.
Now stabilization of the Russian economy, toughening of competitive interaction, a diversification бизнесов and organizational structures of the companies conducts to necessity to carry out forward balanced development, i.e. effectively to operate a portfolio of projects. In work the model of management is developed by a portfolio of production of the machine-building enterprise which includes: creation of methodical base for management of a portfolio of new production, definition of zones of responsibility of participants of realization of the project at all stages of its life cycle.
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Keywords: mechanical engineering, a portfolio of new production, strategic management
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Working out of model of management by a portfolio of new production the machine-building enterprise
Now stabilization of the Russian economy, toughening of competitive interaction, a diversification бизнесов and organizational structures of the companies conducts to necessity to carry out forward balanced development, i.e. effectively to operate a portfolio of projects. In work the model of management is developed by a portfolio of production of the machine-building enterprise which includes: creation of methodical base for management of a portfolio of new production, definition of zones of responsibility of participants of realization of the project at all stages of its life cycle.
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Keywords: mechanical engineering, a portfolio of new production, strategic management