About the issue
MARCH 2012 (published: 01.03.2012)
Number 1(10)
Method of estimating liquidity of securities used commercial banksof Russia.
Kolesov P.F.
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of liquidity of securities used commercial banks of Russia. Author of article develop method quantifying index liquidityof bonds and shares.Necessityconnected with main role of investment operations commercial banks in securities in period of modern financial- economic crisis - to keep enough liquidity.
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Keywords: financial-economic crisis, commercial banks, securities, bonds, shares, income, liquidity, method, index liquidity, quantifying
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UDC 336.717
Method of estimating liquidity of securities used commercial banksof Russia.
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of liquidity of securities used commercial banks of Russia. Author of article develop method quantifying index liquidityof bonds and shares.Necessityconnected with main role of investment operations commercial banks in securities in period of modern financial- economic crisis - to keep enough liquidity.
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Keywords: financial-economic crisis, commercial banks, securities, bonds, shares, income, liquidity, method, index liquidity, quantifying