About the issue
MARCH 2011 (published: 01.03.2011)
Number 1(8)
Carbon Pricing Policy: A Case Study of British Columbia's Carbon Tax
Petropavlova G.P., Petropavlova Е.I.
Abstract. British Columbia’s carbon tax policy plays a critical role in addressing climate change effects, as it encourages a social movement and develops a public under- standing of the importance to reduce GHG concentrations in the atmosphere by ‘paying the price’ on emissions
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Keywords: greenhouse gas emissions; carbon tax; climate change; environmental effectiveness, economic efficiency, administrative feasibility, political feasibility, equity
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UDC 338.2
Carbon Pricing Policy: A Case Study of British Columbia's Carbon Tax
Abstract. British Columbia’s carbon tax policy plays a critical role in addressing climate change effects, as it encourages a social movement and develops a public under- standing of the importance to reduce GHG concentrations in the atmosphere by ‘paying the price’ on emissions
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Keywords: greenhouse gas emissions; carbon tax; climate change; environmental effectiveness, economic efficiency, administrative feasibility, political feasibility, equity