About the issue
MARCH 2011 (published: 01.03.2011)
Number 1(8)
Scientific meaning of the category "quality of life" and its practical utilisation in the territorial management
Petropavlova G.P.
Abstract. On the basis of historical analysis of the meaning of "quality of life" category, a new attempt is made to define its major elements in the modern understanding of sustainable territorial society development.
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Keywords: level of life, wealth of society, quality of life, quality of life stan-dards, elements of quality of life standard, sustainable development of the territory
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UDC 338.22.021.2
Scientific meaning of the category "quality of life" and its practical utilisation in the territorial management
Abstract. On the basis of historical analysis of the meaning of "quality of life" category, a new attempt is made to define its major elements in the modern understanding of sustainable territorial society development.
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Keywords: level of life, wealth of society, quality of life, quality of life stan-dards, elements of quality of life standard, sustainable development of the territory