About the issue
MARCH 2009 (published: 01.03.2009)
Number 1(4)
Water or food source of minerals?
Lopatin D.A., Terentev V.I.
Abstract. Food source of minerals should be considered as more preferable in comparison with the water on the physiological, finan- nancial and technological indicators. Not a 4 liter artificially mineralized tap water, and 30 g of hard cheese can compensate for the lack of calcium in the daily diet of children and adolescents.
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Keywords: minerals, water, foods, calcium
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UDC 574
Water or food source of minerals?
Abstract. Food source of minerals should be considered as more preferable in comparison with the water on the physiological, finan- nancial and technological indicators. Not a 4 liter artificially mineralized tap water, and 30 g of hard cheese can compensate for the lack of calcium in the daily diet of children and adolescents.
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Keywords: minerals, water, foods, calcium