Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

December 2024 (published: 18.12.2024)

Number 4(59)

Home > Issue > Improving the methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the solid municipal waste management system in order to develop business environmental responsibility

UDC 504.064

Improving the methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the solid municipal waste management system in order to develop business environmental responsibility

Shelepina N.V.

The state of the environment and the health of the population largely depends on the effectiveness of the treatment of MSW. A significant role in the success of the implementation of federal projects in this area belongs to the building of an effective MSW management system, supported by a responsible business attitude. The purpose of the study is to reveal the positions of environmental responsibility of business in the field of MSW management, systematize foreign and Russian experience in determining criteria and developing methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the MSW management system, identify areas for improving the methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the MSW management system for the development of environmental responsibility of business. The object of the study is the MSW management system. The subject of the study is: environmental responsibility of business, targets, indicators of the MSW management system, methods for evaluating its effectiveness. During the preparation of the article, methods of analysis, systematization and interpretation of information presented in regulatory documents of various levels, in scientific publications posted on the eLibrary platform were used.RU, in the international databases Scopus, Web of Science, etc., in open sources on the Internet. The article outlines the principles and parameters of environmental responsibility of business in the handling of MSW. It has been established that a number of normative legal acts have been adopted at both the international and national levels, establishing a list of indicators and targets in the field of MSW management. Most subjects of the Russian Federation determine criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the MSW management system independently, taking into account the level of development of the region and policy priorities in this area. The article presents approaches to classifying indicators of the MSW management system by levels, areas of activity, and degree of waste recycling. It is shown that the disadvantage of many indicators proposed for evaluating the effectiveness of the MSW management system is the lack of reliable statistical information necessary for their calculation. An analysis of methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the MSW management system has shown that a significant part of them is based on determining an integral indicator using a set of indicators. The disparity of approaches to the assessment of the MSW management system reduces the effectiveness of management in this area at all levels. The need to develop a unified methodology, supported by statistical data, for evaluating the effectiveness of the MSW management system, contributing to the development of environmental responsibility of business, was noted.
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Keywords: solid municipal waste (MSW), environmental responsibility of business, management system, targets, indicators, criteria, efficiency, assessment methodology.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2024-17-4-70-82

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