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December 2024 (published: 18.12.2024)
Number 4(59)
Home > Issue > Methodological approaches to the study of contradictions in the real
and financial sectors of the Russian economy in the context
of global instability and violation of economic security
Zueva O.A.
Theoretical approaches to the study of the essence of contradictions of the real and financial sectors are used by different scientists. Foreign and domestic economists (W. Bagehot, G. Wilson, S. Jevons, K. Kautsky, F. Quesnay, V. Lenin, A. Manuilov, K. Marx, D. Riccardo, J.-B. Say, J. Sismondi, M. Tugan-Baranovsky, A. Chuprov, F. Engels) studied the types of economic systems in the interaction of agents of sectors and the creation of a system of their convergence on the basis of contradictions. Foreign scientists (E. Altvater, M. Binswanger, B. Braasch, A. Galetowik, M. Heine, H. Hesse, J. Gourley, R. Gutman, J. Keynes, H. Minsky, J. Olivier, J. Stiglitz, S. Strange, H. Tietmeyer, J. Tobin, H. Herr, W. Cheek, K. Zinn, E. Shaw, B. Emunds) examined the issues of inadequacy of interaction of agents of sectors in the form of contradictions. In Russian scientific works (E. Akopova, A. Anikin, Z. Atlas, I. Afanasenko A. Bazhan, D. Beloousova, A. Borisova, V. Borisovich, A. Borodina, A. Burlachkov, S. Glazyev, S. Dyatlov, V. Katasonov, I. Klyuchnikov, V. Maryanenko, D. Miropolsky, L. Mierin, O. Molchanova, A. Navoy, V. Ryazanov, I. Sergeeva, A. Kharlamov) the phenomenon of the economic system and the development of the system of interrelations of sectors in the conditions of contradictions are revealed. The key position of the author consists in the application of different methodological approaches. Data and Metods: various components of the research methodology, Russian and foreign practical experience provided opportunities to outline theoretical approaches to examining the contradictions of various agents (historical, dialectical, systemic). Methodological approaches made it possible to identify the key contradiction of the subjects of the real and financial sectors – the gap between the institutions of the sectors. The specifics of the separation of subjects of the studied sectors in Russia are expressed in the orientation of the activities of financial sector agents toward speculative activity and the partial erasure of the boundaries between the institutions of the two sectors. The systemic approach is a key methodological approach that allows describing the contradictions of agents of the two sectors and forming an effective system of relationships between them. Analys of Results: the main contradiction of the convergence of agents of the sectors under study in Russia proves the need to develop their interaction based on a priority innovation base. Reindustrialization of domestic enterprises of the corporate subsector of the real sector, the implementation of the designated trend of growth in production volumes depend on the economic and innovative potential, the quality of financial support for this process within the framework of ensuring national security.
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Keywords: national economic system, real sector, financial sector, contradictions, interaction, interrelations, breakaway, innovative potential.
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UDC 330.101.541
Methodological approaches to the study of contradictions in the real
and financial sectors of the Russian economy in the context
of global instability and violation of economic security
Theoretical approaches to the study of the essence of contradictions of the real and financial sectors are used by different scientists. Foreign and domestic economists (W. Bagehot, G. Wilson, S. Jevons, K. Kautsky, F. Quesnay, V. Lenin, A. Manuilov, K. Marx, D. Riccardo, J.-B. Say, J. Sismondi, M. Tugan-Baranovsky, A. Chuprov, F. Engels) studied the types of economic systems in the interaction of agents of sectors and the creation of a system of their convergence on the basis of contradictions. Foreign scientists (E. Altvater, M. Binswanger, B. Braasch, A. Galetowik, M. Heine, H. Hesse, J. Gourley, R. Gutman, J. Keynes, H. Minsky, J. Olivier, J. Stiglitz, S. Strange, H. Tietmeyer, J. Tobin, H. Herr, W. Cheek, K. Zinn, E. Shaw, B. Emunds) examined the issues of inadequacy of interaction of agents of sectors in the form of contradictions. In Russian scientific works (E. Akopova, A. Anikin, Z. Atlas, I. Afanasenko A. Bazhan, D. Beloousova, A. Borisova, V. Borisovich, A. Borodina, A. Burlachkov, S. Glazyev, S. Dyatlov, V. Katasonov, I. Klyuchnikov, V. Maryanenko, D. Miropolsky, L. Mierin, O. Molchanova, A. Navoy, V. Ryazanov, I. Sergeeva, A. Kharlamov) the phenomenon of the economic system and the development of the system of interrelations of sectors in the conditions of contradictions are revealed. The key position of the author consists in the application of different methodological approaches. Data and Metods: various components of the research methodology, Russian and foreign practical experience provided opportunities to outline theoretical approaches to examining the contradictions of various agents (historical, dialectical, systemic). Methodological approaches made it possible to identify the key contradiction of the subjects of the real and financial sectors – the gap between the institutions of the sectors. The specifics of the separation of subjects of the studied sectors in Russia are expressed in the orientation of the activities of financial sector agents toward speculative activity and the partial erasure of the boundaries between the institutions of the two sectors. The systemic approach is a key methodological approach that allows describing the contradictions of agents of the two sectors and forming an effective system of relationships between them. Analys of Results: the main contradiction of the convergence of agents of the sectors under study in Russia proves the need to develop their interaction based on a priority innovation base. Reindustrialization of domestic enterprises of the corporate subsector of the real sector, the implementation of the designated trend of growth in production volumes depend on the economic and innovative potential, the quality of financial support for this process within the framework of ensuring national security.
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Keywords: national economic system, real sector, financial sector, contradictions, interaction, interrelations, breakaway, innovative potential.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2024-17-4-27-38