About the issue
June 2024 (published: 06.06.2024)
Number 2(57)
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the national project «Labor productivity»
Smirnova I.V.
Abstract. The article examines the problem of assessing the effectiveness of the use of budget funds allocated within the framework of the national project «Labor Productivity», the relationship between labor productivity and such indicators of the state of economic security of the Russian Federation as the labor productivity index; share of investments in machinery and equipment in the total volume of investments in fixed assets; the share of innovative goods, works, services in the total volume of shipped goods, works, services, the share of high-performance jobs in the economy. The low interest of the state in assessing the effectiveness of measures under the national project "Labor Productivity" is emphasized, which is confirmed by the exclusion of such indicators as "Number of highly productive jobs in the non-budgetary sector of the economy" and "Labor productivity in the basic non-resource sectors of the economy" in the indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of senior officials and executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The concept of a high-performance workplace in accordance with the Rosstat methodology as a workplace where the average monthly wage of employees is equal to or exceeds the established value, does not reflect labor productivity, i.e. the economic meaning of labor productivity. An objective characterization of labour productivity is given by the total volume of output, measured in units of gross domestic product, produced per unit of labour force, measured in terms of the number of hours employed or worked per period. This method of measuring the indicator makes it possible to judge the efficiency and quality of human capital, including resources and innovations used in production, however, the cited statistics indicate low growth rates of labor productivity or even its decline. Thus, it is necessary to improve the legislation on national project activities in the Russian Federation to assess the effectiveness of national projects, primarily in terms of the provision and use of federal budget funds allocated for their implementation.
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Keywords: efficiency, labor productivity, national project.
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UDC 338.2
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the national project «Labor productivity»
Abstract. The article examines the problem of assessing the effectiveness of the use of budget funds allocated within the framework of the national project «Labor Productivity», the relationship between labor productivity and such indicators of the state of economic security of the Russian Federation as the labor productivity index; share of investments in machinery and equipment in the total volume of investments in fixed assets; the share of innovative goods, works, services in the total volume of shipped goods, works, services, the share of high-performance jobs in the economy. The low interest of the state in assessing the effectiveness of measures under the national project "Labor Productivity" is emphasized, which is confirmed by the exclusion of such indicators as "Number of highly productive jobs in the non-budgetary sector of the economy" and "Labor productivity in the basic non-resource sectors of the economy" in the indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of senior officials and executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The concept of a high-performance workplace in accordance with the Rosstat methodology as a workplace where the average monthly wage of employees is equal to or exceeds the established value, does not reflect labor productivity, i.e. the economic meaning of labor productivity. An objective characterization of labour productivity is given by the total volume of output, measured in units of gross domestic product, produced per unit of labour force, measured in terms of the number of hours employed or worked per period. This method of measuring the indicator makes it possible to judge the efficiency and quality of human capital, including resources and innovations used in production, however, the cited statistics indicate low growth rates of labor productivity or even its decline. Thus, it is necessary to improve the legislation on national project activities in the Russian Federation to assess the effectiveness of national projects, primarily in terms of the provision and use of federal budget funds allocated for their implementation.
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Keywords: efficiency, labor productivity, national project.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2024-18-2-117-126