Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2024 (published: 06.06.2024)

Number 2(57)

Home > Issue > The evolution of technology parks as a movement towards a knowledge-based economy

UDC 378.1

The evolution of technology parks as a movement towards a knowledge-based economy

Puziychuk S.V. , Rozhdestvenskaia N.V. , Tikhonova A.M. , Zinchenko M.V.

Abstract. The paper examines the evolution of technology parks as a movement towards a knowledge-based economy (knowledge economy). The process of formation and development of the knowledge economy is associated with higher university education, which constitutes its main part, in the logic of generating innovations and introducing them into the practice of the real economy. Technoparks in this process were initially assigned the role of a catalyst. Since technology parks have existed for more than ¾ of a century, it makes sense to trace their evolution and consider their current state. The presented study aims to conceptually comprehend the existing experience in the formation and development of university technology parks, clarify their role in creating connections between science, business and the state, and also consider other aspects that ensure successful development. The implementation of this goal is based on an analysis of best practices and the potential of university technology parks, including foreign and domestic structures, as well as a number of theoretical works that present concepts that interpret the key concepts and theoretical positions used in the article. The materials for the study were articles and monographs by foreign and domestic authors, reflecting on the experience of existing technology parks; websites of university technology parks; association websites; legal documents regulating their activities. The research methods were description, abstracting, comparative analysis, structural analysis, data systematization, classification. The conducted research allows us to define the technology park not only as a catalyst, but also as a resource for the development of innovation in the economy. Technoparks in their developed state today represent not just an element of infrastructure in a modern university, but an ecosystem. The features of technology parks are determined by the profile of the university (classical, technical, entrepreneurial, pedagogical, etc.), their common feature is the focus on developing modern general professional competencies of graduates for the knowledge economy. The article examines the topical issue of criteria for assessing the performance of technology parks, which allows us to determine their stages of movement towards the current state of the ecosystem. The prospects for the development of technology parks are thus associated with the expansion of the diversity of elements of the technology park ecosystem and their interconnection, which represents a new step towards a knowledge economy.

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Keywords: knowledge-based economy, innovation, technology park, catalyst, resource, ecosystem, digitalization, evolution of technology parks.

Acknowledgement: Исследование выполнено за счет внутреннего гранта РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена (проект № 31ВГ)

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2024-18-2-3-12

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