Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

December 2023 (published: 07.12.2023)

Number 4(55)

Home > Issue > Isk management in conditions of unfair competition in order to ensure the economic security of Russia

UDC 314

Isk management in conditions of unfair competition in order to ensure the economic security of Russia

Shchelakova V.A.

Abstract. The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that unfair competition threatens the economic security of the state. In this regard, the article presents an analysis of the current state and dynamics of unfair competition, as well as its impact on the economic security of organizations. Special attention is paid to the issues of protecting the economic security of organizations operating on the principles of fair competition. The importance of close attention to unfair competition is explained by the tendency of high-tech markets to monopolization based on a high degree of concentration of capital. The article notes that despite a fairly large number of theoretical studies in the field of competition, the lack of a systematic presentation of the problem is fixed, in particular, the question of the relationship between the concepts of "unfair competition" and "monopolistic activity" has been debatable for a long time, since each of the concepts is a multifaceted phenomenon. Another problem that requires close attention is the development of a clear understanding of the content of antimonopoly regulation of business activity on the Internet and the definition of the role of the state in solving this issue. The relevance of the above-mentioned problems determines the need for a deeper and systematic analysis of the prospects for further development of competition law, followed by the development of proposals to solve existing problems in this area in order to improve the economic security of organizations. The article analyzes the causes of threats to the economic security of organizations from unfair competitive actions in the market; examines the current state and dynamics of the development of unfair competition in Russia; analyzes the impact of unfair competition on the economic security of organizations; considers methods and forms of state influence on unfair competition in Russia; presents directions for improving the fight against unfair competition aimed at strengthening economic security organizations.

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Keywords: fair competition, unfair competition, threats to the economic security of organizations from unfair competition, state policy in the field of combating unfair competition

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2023-16-4-77-89

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