Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

December 2023 (published: 07.12.2023)

Number 4(55)

Home > Issue > End-to-end business process support technologies under sanctions restrictions

UDC 338

End-to-end business process support technologies under sanctions restrictions

Konovalova Yu.S. , Burtsev D.S.

Abstract. Currently, Russian companies are facing a number of difficulties related to the use of foreign software products in their activities. Sanctions imposed by unfriendly countries have restricted access to familiar programs and advanced technologies, including semiconductors and technologies related to robotics and artificial intelligence. It also made it necessary to actively develop and implement end-to-end technologies and domestic software into the practice of enterprises. The research is relevant at the present time, since the topic of end-to-end technologies for managing business processes under sanctions is new and poorly studied. The purpose of the study is to consider the possibility of using and developing end–to-end technologies to support business processes in new realities. The article presents an analysis of the market of business process management systems in Russia, makes recommendations on the choice of software for modeling business processes, highlights the advantages of Russian software in comparison with foreign, draws up a plan for the company's transition to domestic software, analyzes the statistics of the introduction of business process management systems, calculates the indicator of the introduction of domestic software in Russian business, a comparative analysis of the development of end-to-end technologies in Russia before and after sanctions was carried out, a risk assessment matrix for the development of end-to-end technologies in the new realities has been compiled, recommendations on the use of end-to-end technologies in the conditions of sanctions restrictions have been developed. The methodological basis of the study was the use of private and general scientific research methods, such as analysis, comparison, observation and expert assessments. The object of research is end-to-end technologies. The subject of the research is end–to-end technologies and business process management tools in new economic realities. The result of the work was the conclusion that the main risks of the development of end-to-end technologies are the restriction of access to world technologies, the complication of international cooperation, the disruption of projects in the field of end-to-end technologies, the decline in the level of the scientific and technological base of Russia. The conducted research provides recommendations to companies wishing to maintain or improve their efficiency in the face of sanctions restrictions. The results obtained will be used to develop recommendations for the digital transformation of enterprises.

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Keywords: end-to-end technologies, business processes, sanctions, Russia, information and communication technologies, digital technologies.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2023-16-4-34-45

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