About the issue
December 2022 (published: 12.12.2022)
Number 4(51)
The concept of sustainable development of the Russian Federation:
an analysis of low-carbon economy innovation
Golubeva A.S.
, Volkov A.R. , Elena Pavlova
Abstract. The paper considers the processes of emergence and implementation of innovations in the field of low-carbon economy, arising in the context of implementing the concept of sustainable development of the Russian Federation. These projects are presented as a means of increasing the level of environmental and economic balance of socio-economic development of the regions in the coordinate system «Nature-Society-Human». The authors consider the current stage of the formation of the concept of sustainable development with the definition of the impossibility of further development without taking into account the conservation and support of ecosystems through the development of innovation in the field of low-carbon economy and the identification of vectors of reorientation from the principles of frontal economy and destabilizing coexistence of the coordinate system «Nature-Society-Human» in favour of harmonious improvement of the sustainable development concept. The retrospective analysis of the transition to the concept of sustainable development has identified the need to implement mechanisms and priorities of public administration to meet human needs and increase human capabilities with a focus on environmental conservation. The authors review existing approaches to defining a low-carbon economy and review international instruments for stimulating the transition to a low-carbon economy. Particular attention is paid to such instruments as environmental management system, non-financial reporting of organisations, carbon market and stimulating innovation in this area. As a result of the study, the authors present the definition of sustainable development in the context of low-carbon economy development, propose categories and classification of innovations in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the authors' distribution of innovations according to the triad of decarbonization of the economy, which allowed to determine the mechanism of strategic development priorities of the Russian Federation regions.
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Keywords: sustainable development, low-carbon economy, innovation, decarbonization, spatial development.
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UDC 502.13(075.8)
The concept of sustainable development of the Russian Federation:
an analysis of low-carbon economy innovation
Abstract. The paper considers the processes of emergence and implementation of innovations in the field of low-carbon economy, arising in the context of implementing the concept of sustainable development of the Russian Federation. These projects are presented as a means of increasing the level of environmental and economic balance of socio-economic development of the regions in the coordinate system «Nature-Society-Human». The authors consider the current stage of the formation of the concept of sustainable development with the definition of the impossibility of further development without taking into account the conservation and support of ecosystems through the development of innovation in the field of low-carbon economy and the identification of vectors of reorientation from the principles of frontal economy and destabilizing coexistence of the coordinate system «Nature-Society-Human» in favour of harmonious improvement of the sustainable development concept. The retrospective analysis of the transition to the concept of sustainable development has identified the need to implement mechanisms and priorities of public administration to meet human needs and increase human capabilities with a focus on environmental conservation. The authors review existing approaches to defining a low-carbon economy and review international instruments for stimulating the transition to a low-carbon economy. Particular attention is paid to such instruments as environmental management system, non-financial reporting of organisations, carbon market and stimulating innovation in this area. As a result of the study, the authors present the definition of sustainable development in the context of low-carbon economy development, propose categories and classification of innovations in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the authors' distribution of innovations according to the triad of decarbonization of the economy, which allowed to determine the mechanism of strategic development priorities of the Russian Federation regions.
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Keywords: sustainable development, low-carbon economy, innovation, decarbonization, spatial development.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2022-15-4-3-12