Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Economics and Environmental Management"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55411 от 17.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

December 2020 (published: 17.12.2020)

Number 4(43)

Home > Issue > Features and problems of managing the spatial integration of the economy of the European North of Russia

UDC 338.984

Features and problems of managing the spatial integration of the economy of the European North of Russia

Kozhevnikov S.A. , Patrakova S.S.

Abstract. The relevance of the research topic is due to the need for a scientific search for adequate answers to the challenges of the spatial development of Russian regions, aggravated by the transition to the market in the 90s. XX century. One of the key among them is the destruction of existing interregional ties, the intensification of disintegration processes in the country's economic space, caused, among other things, by the liberalization of foreign trade. The identified problems are very acute for the northern regions, whose economic ties in the post-Soviet period have become more focused on foreign markets, and not on integration with the southern regions of the country. In this regard, the article attempts to assess the existing and substantiate promising forms, methods and tools for ensuring the integration of the northern territories into a single economic space of the country. The aim of the work is to study the features and problems of managing the spatial integration of the economy of the northern region (based on the materials of the European North of Russia). The object of research is the northern region as a spatial socio-economic system. In the course of the study, it was revealed that the need to integrate the space of the northern regions and establish cooperative ties with the more southern territories of the country, reducing their differentiation by key development parameters has found its consolidation in strategic documents of the federal and regional levels. For this purpose, a number of interregional institutions are currently operating (for example, the Strategic Partnership North-West ANO), the functionality of which to ensure integration processes, unfortunately, is very limited. Analysis of development strategies of the subjects of the European North of Russia until 2025-2030. makes it possible to conclude that these documents very poorly take into account the current and future place of the northern territories in the all-Russian division of labor; the task of ensuring their spatial integration with other constituent entities of the Russian Federation did not find a direct fix; a significant emphasis in the development of the region's transport framework is aimed at strengthening mainly external relations, which limits the development of interregional integration within the framework of the national economic space and preserves the raw material model of the economy of these territories. Despite a certain strategic focus on the development of a polycentric model of space organization, the main emphasis in instrumental support is still placed on the development of nodal forms of space organization and "development corridors"; at the same time, the place and tools for supporting non-urban areas are rather poorly substantiated. The authors substantiated that the development of spatial integration of the European North of Russia at the intra- and interregional level can be facilitated by the implementation of a megaproject for the development of the Arctic, which will contribute to the consolidation of scientific and technical, production, personnel, infrastructural and other potential of the European North of Russia for the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. These territories can become a driver for the growth of Russia's innovative economy in the transition to a new technological order. However, this requires a revision of the emphasis of federal economic policy. The work used general scientific research methods (abstract-logical and systematic approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, monographic, etc.), the economic-statistical method, as well as graphical and tabular data visualization techniques. The results obtained in the course of the study are significant for federal and regional authorities in the framework of adjusting the policy and strategy for the development of the northern territories of Russia.

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Keywords: economic space, spatial integration, strategy, European North of Russia, Arctic.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2020-13-4-87-98

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