About the issue
September 2020 (published: 28.09.2020)
Number 3(42)
Methodological aspects of assessing the level cross-sectoral social partnership development in the region
Kopytova E.D. , Laptsova E.S.
Abstract. In the context of growing external and internal challenges in Russia and the world, the role of horizontal management is growing, one of the mechanisms of which is cross-sectoral social partnership (CSP). The incentive for the implementation of CSPs is the progressive growth and complication of significant problems. In connection with the insufficient resources of the state for their solution, it becomes necessary to attract business structures and society. CSPs in European countries have received sufficient development since the middle of the 20th century. To date, a wealth of positive experience has been accumulated there, which confirms and proves its effectiveness for the development of socio-economic systems. In Russia, cross-sectoral partnership began to form in the 1990s, therefore in our country today this process is fraught with greater difficulties than in the West. One of the factors hindering its development today is the lack of a valid assessment methodology that would allow timely identification of shortcomings in the decision-making system. In this regard, the formation of methodological tools for a comprehensive assessment of CSPs is acquiring high scientific and practical significance for managing the socio-economic development of territories. The purpose of this article is to study and improve the methodological framework for assessing the level of development of cross-sectoral social partnership in the region. On the basis of a critical analysis of existing methodological approaches to assessing the level of development of cross-sectoral social partnership, we identified the advantages and disadvantages of the methods under consideration, found significant limitations in terms of their practical use at the present time, compiled a generalized list of tools identified by researchers when assessing the level of development of CSPs. The authors carried out a theoretical analysis of CSP tools within the framework of the system-synergetic approach, as a result of which the presented list of tools has been refined and updated taking into account the current trends in the socio-economic development of territories. The structured system of CSP tools presented in this article, which includes tools that are in demand in the information society, creates a methodological basis for assessing the level of development of CSPs that meets the objectives of public administration development, which will help increase the efficiency of CSP. The authors identified the main methodological provisions for the subsequent improvement of the methodology for assessing the level of development of CSPs. Obtaining the missing data on the state and prospects for the development of cross-sectoral social partnership tools, on the degree of contribution of CSP instruments to the development of territories, as well as on the quality of their functioning as management systems is planned to be carried out based on the use of expert knowledge technologies. The data of the expert survey will be used for the subsequent development of a methodology for assessing the level of CSP and adjusting regional governance for the development of territories. The scientific novelty of the study is to clarify the system of tools for assessing the level cross-sectoral partnerships development in the region and to improve an algorithm for this assessment.
Keywords: cross-sectoral social partnership (CSP), methodological aspects, business, government, society, regional development, regional economy, expert assessments.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
UDC 332.1
Methodological aspects of assessing the level cross-sectoral social partnership development in the region
Abstract. In the context of growing external and internal challenges in Russia and the world, the role of horizontal management is growing, one of the mechanisms of which is cross-sectoral social partnership (CSP). The incentive for the implementation of CSPs is the progressive growth and complication of significant problems. In connection with the insufficient resources of the state for their solution, it becomes necessary to attract business structures and society. CSPs in European countries have received sufficient development since the middle of the 20th century. To date, a wealth of positive experience has been accumulated there, which confirms and proves its effectiveness for the development of socio-economic systems. In Russia, cross-sectoral partnership began to form in the 1990s, therefore in our country today this process is fraught with greater difficulties than in the West. One of the factors hindering its development today is the lack of a valid assessment methodology that would allow timely identification of shortcomings in the decision-making system. In this regard, the formation of methodological tools for a comprehensive assessment of CSPs is acquiring high scientific and practical significance for managing the socio-economic development of territories. The purpose of this article is to study and improve the methodological framework for assessing the level of development of cross-sectoral social partnership in the region. On the basis of a critical analysis of existing methodological approaches to assessing the level of development of cross-sectoral social partnership, we identified the advantages and disadvantages of the methods under consideration, found significant limitations in terms of their practical use at the present time, compiled a generalized list of tools identified by researchers when assessing the level of development of CSPs. The authors carried out a theoretical analysis of CSP tools within the framework of the system-synergetic approach, as a result of which the presented list of tools has been refined and updated taking into account the current trends in the socio-economic development of territories. The structured system of CSP tools presented in this article, which includes tools that are in demand in the information society, creates a methodological basis for assessing the level of development of CSPs that meets the objectives of public administration development, which will help increase the efficiency of CSP. The authors identified the main methodological provisions for the subsequent improvement of the methodology for assessing the level of development of CSPs. Obtaining the missing data on the state and prospects for the development of cross-sectoral social partnership tools, on the degree of contribution of CSP instruments to the development of territories, as well as on the quality of their functioning as management systems is planned to be carried out based on the use of expert knowledge technologies. The data of the expert survey will be used for the subsequent development of a methodology for assessing the level of CSP and adjusting regional governance for the development of territories. The scientific novelty of the study is to clarify the system of tools for assessing the level cross-sectoral partnerships development in the region and to improve an algorithm for this assessment.
Keywords: cross-sectoral social partnership (CSP), methodological aspects, business, government, society, regional development, regional economy, expert assessments.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2020-13-3-71-81