About the issue
March 2019 (published: 27.03.2019)
Number 1(36)
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the innovative project for the development
of tridimensional geographic information system
Verzilin D.N., Kulakova A.O.
Abstract. This article is devoted to the problem of evaluating the effectiveness of innovative projects. The existing methods of evaluation do not fully take into account the specific features of innovative projects and therefore need to be adapted and refined. This fact determines the relevance of the problem. The object of research is an innovative project. The subject of research is a set of methods ofevaluation the effectiveness of projects. The purpose of the article is to analyze the practical applicability of methods ofevaluation the effectiveness of investment projects to innovative projects. The existing methods of evaluation the effectiveness of investment projects were analyzed, their advantages and disadvantages were identified. The distinctive features of innovative projects and their specific properties that reduce the reliability of estimates obtained using traditional methods were also identified. To adapt the existing methods of evaluation of investment projects to innovative projects, it was suggested to consider the following factors: the difference in sources of funding depending on the stage of project implementation, the dynamics and variety of risks of the innovative project, a longer period of implementation and payback, the variety of quality (not amenable to economic assessment) effects of the project. The article provides a practical assessment of the effectiveness of the innovative project for the development and implementation of tridimensional geographic information system using traditional (static and dynamic) methods. The qualitative parameters inherent in the project and affecting its effectiveness were identified. When choosing a method of evaluation should take into account the features of the estimated project, its specifics and the industry in which it is implemented. The most accurate assessment of the effectiveness is given by the application of an integrated approach, which includes methods belonging to different groups (traditional and special).
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Keywords: economics, innovations, innovative project, efficiency mark, methods for evaluating effectiveness, applicability of methods for evaluating effectiveness
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UDC 330.322.54
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the innovative project for the development
of tridimensional geographic information system
Abstract. This article is devoted to the problem of evaluating the effectiveness of innovative projects. The existing methods of evaluation do not fully take into account the specific features of innovative projects and therefore need to be adapted and refined. This fact determines the relevance of the problem. The object of research is an innovative project. The subject of research is a set of methods ofevaluation the effectiveness of projects. The purpose of the article is to analyze the practical applicability of methods ofevaluation the effectiveness of investment projects to innovative projects. The existing methods of evaluation the effectiveness of investment projects were analyzed, their advantages and disadvantages were identified. The distinctive features of innovative projects and their specific properties that reduce the reliability of estimates obtained using traditional methods were also identified. To adapt the existing methods of evaluation of investment projects to innovative projects, it was suggested to consider the following factors: the difference in sources of funding depending on the stage of project implementation, the dynamics and variety of risks of the innovative project, a longer period of implementation and payback, the variety of quality (not amenable to economic assessment) effects of the project. The article provides a practical assessment of the effectiveness of the innovative project for the development and implementation of tridimensional geographic information system using traditional (static and dynamic) methods. The qualitative parameters inherent in the project and affecting its effectiveness were identified. When choosing a method of evaluation should take into account the features of the estimated project, its specifics and the industry in which it is implemented. The most accurate assessment of the effectiveness is given by the application of an integrated approach, which includes methods belonging to different groups (traditional and special).
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Keywords: economics, innovations, innovative project, efficiency mark, methods for evaluating effectiveness, applicability of methods for evaluating effectiveness
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2019-12-1-10-25