About the issue
June 2018 (published: 21.06.2018)
Number 2(33)
The improvement of the management system and personnel
development at the company
Minchenko L.V., Podavalkina E.V. , Zhuravleva M.N.
Abstract. The problem of increasing the разделовefficiency of human resource наиболееmanagement образования becomes particularly реалистичной important at different социальноmanagement рыночн levels. The article времениconsiders approaches and methods in потенциаломpersonnel надо management. The above возможность mentioned aspects сотрудниковrequired собственном for the development of the system of подходhuman resources management in импровизацииenterprises изменение direction on the basis рабочие of the staff development. One of the являетсяmost ставку powerful and complex study motivational tools is the training of which personnel чтение, which simultaneously наоборот activates the staff, системыcontributing повышении to the diversity of workflow and has an сотрудниковimpact on the individual motives of толькоemployees итог (positive or negative является). Examines the development рискprogramme таких of the human resource of the системыorganization, which includes: наиболееimproving новых the psychological climate такое in the organization; development of вышеcorporate признание ethics and corporate системыculture; improvement of existing консервативныхincentive relevance systems, staff рабочем training, and organization of the упораlabor системы process; lower тьюторствоstaff turnover, implemented реалистичнойusing опытным a combination of management здесь personnel and additional workflow professional тьюторство education. Subject of разработокresearch – motivation and staff тремяtraining разработок. The aim of the study was to determine чтобы the role of staff достиженияtraining карьерном in the workplace. The relevance of the стратегическихtopic lies in the fact моделиthat возможность all organizations have обучения their staff, who effective must консервативных undergo training and effective improve their qualifications, in кадрахconnection новых with the development ставку of quality management, рамкахimprovement процессе methods and techniques элементомthat should be known by particularly each обучения employee for the proper организовывают performance of its work, the мотивыeffective времени functioning of the organization as a мотивыwhole. In modern conditions такихsuccessful balanced activity of organization реалистичной is inconceivable without the обученияbalanced импровизации strategic approach to реализацииtalent management – one of the main системыinnovative контролю assets. As shown консервативных by recent studies, the достиженияmost персоналом effective investment is вносяinvestment in human resource.
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Keywords: personnel management развития, non-material motivation компетентноsystem конечном and management improvement опытныйtraining.
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UDC 338.2
The improvement of the management system and personnel
development at the company
Abstract. The problem of increasing the разделовefficiency of human resource наиболееmanagement образования becomes particularly реалистичной important at different социальноmanagement рыночн levels. The article времениconsiders approaches and methods in потенциаломpersonnel надо management. The above возможность mentioned aspects сотрудниковrequired собственном for the development of the system of подходhuman resources management in импровизацииenterprises изменение direction on the basis рабочие of the staff development. One of the являетсяmost ставку powerful and complex study motivational tools is the training of which personnel чтение, which simultaneously наоборот activates the staff, системыcontributing повышении to the diversity of workflow and has an сотрудниковimpact on the individual motives of толькоemployees итог (positive or negative является). Examines the development рискprogramme таких of the human resource of the системыorganization, which includes: наиболееimproving новых the psychological climate такое in the organization; development of вышеcorporate признание ethics and corporate системыculture; improvement of existing консервативныхincentive relevance systems, staff рабочем training, and organization of the упораlabor системы process; lower тьюторствоstaff turnover, implemented реалистичнойusing опытным a combination of management здесь personnel and additional workflow professional тьюторство education. Subject of разработокresearch – motivation and staff тремяtraining разработок. The aim of the study was to determine чтобы the role of staff достиженияtraining карьерном in the workplace. The relevance of the стратегическихtopic lies in the fact моделиthat возможность all organizations have обучения their staff, who effective must консервативных undergo training and effective improve their qualifications, in кадрахconnection новых with the development ставку of quality management, рамкахimprovement процессе methods and techniques элементомthat should be known by particularly each обучения employee for the proper организовывают performance of its work, the мотивыeffective времени functioning of the organization as a мотивыwhole. In modern conditions такихsuccessful balanced activity of organization реалистичной is inconceivable without the обученияbalanced импровизации strategic approach to реализацииtalent management – one of the main системыinnovative контролю assets. As shown консервативных by recent studies, the достиженияmost персоналом effective investment is вносяinvestment in human resource.
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Keywords: personnel management развития, non-material motivation компетентноsystem конечном and management improvement опытныйtraining.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2018-11-2-75-80