About the issue
June 2018 (published: 21.06.2018)
Number 2(33)
The present stage paradoxes of the Russia economy development
Rumyantseva E.E.
Abstract. This article focuses on problems related to the distortion growth of a real social and economic situation in Russia in all its regions and the reduction of a science role under the corruption pressure. The author has revealed the essential divergence on the major macroeconomic indicators estimates showing the need of the assessment of the each information source reliability, including the corruption influence on its composition. The analysis of a source information reliability and the expert assessment expanded with the application of a paradoxes method as the methodologies of a complex and priority cross-disciplinary problems formulation of the current development. Among the significant paradoxes of the present stage of the Russia economy development the author was diagnosed: a paradox of the economic cycle stage identification, a paradox of the reporting indicators growth under the average salary against the background of her real decrease and a paradox of the simultaneous growth of the number of the rich and poor at the certain stages in the conditions of the legislatively established social values of the economic development. In article there are called the several factors (reasons) of the primary information distortion and its subjective interpretation. For the scientific research outlook it is offered their further systematization for the purpose of their complex account, but not everyone separately. For the policy correction at the macro- and micro-levels the author has allocated the priority directions of the providing both Russia economic security in general, and separately the households of the unprivileged segments of the population. Among the decisions connected with ensuring economic security of the country in the medium term it is offered to conduct the publicly monitoring of the key indicators on which it will be published now only the average data with the high extent of their distortion, and for the purpose of the destruction of the settled corruption communications causing to the society, Russia the serious economic damage - it is invited the updating of administrative shots on many posts, the introduction of the calculation of the personal, and not just collective efficiency for the top administrative management of the all management levels. Households are recommended to follow more accurately the rules of the rational, economically safe behavior.
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Keywords: Economy, macroeconomic indicators, social inequality, poverty, income, public administration, efficiency, corruption, distortion of information, paradoxes.
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UDC 338.1
The present stage paradoxes of the Russia economy development
Abstract. This article focuses on problems related to the distortion growth of a real social and economic situation in Russia in all its regions and the reduction of a science role under the corruption pressure. The author has revealed the essential divergence on the major macroeconomic indicators estimates showing the need of the assessment of the each information source reliability, including the corruption influence on its composition. The analysis of a source information reliability and the expert assessment expanded with the application of a paradoxes method as the methodologies of a complex and priority cross-disciplinary problems formulation of the current development. Among the significant paradoxes of the present stage of the Russia economy development the author was diagnosed: a paradox of the economic cycle stage identification, a paradox of the reporting indicators growth under the average salary against the background of her real decrease and a paradox of the simultaneous growth of the number of the rich and poor at the certain stages in the conditions of the legislatively established social values of the economic development. In article there are called the several factors (reasons) of the primary information distortion and its subjective interpretation. For the scientific research outlook it is offered their further systematization for the purpose of their complex account, but not everyone separately. For the policy correction at the macro- and micro-levels the author has allocated the priority directions of the providing both Russia economic security in general, and separately the households of the unprivileged segments of the population. Among the decisions connected with ensuring economic security of the country in the medium term it is offered to conduct the publicly monitoring of the key indicators on which it will be published now only the average data with the high extent of their distortion, and for the purpose of the destruction of the settled corruption communications causing to the society, Russia the serious economic damage - it is invited the updating of administrative shots on many posts, the introduction of the calculation of the personal, and not just collective efficiency for the top administrative management of the all management levels. Households are recommended to follow more accurately the rules of the rational, economically safe behavior.
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Keywords: Economy, macroeconomic indicators, social inequality, poverty, income, public administration, efficiency, corruption, distortion of information, paradoxes.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2018-11-2-46-56