About the issue
June 2018 (published: 21.06.2018)
Number 2(33)
Property relations and economic mechanism
Vikulenko A.E. , Kolesnikov A.M.
Abstract. The article describes the economic reforms of the XXI century in Russia, their goals, objectives, advantages and disadvantages. To quickly solve the problem of establishing a market economy in the country, the first stage of mass privatization in time was practically connected with the liberalization of prices, foreign economic activity and the elimination of policy planning. Thus in economic reform, the emphasis was mostly on private property, with the result that the savings Bank depositors and creditors state insurance is not automatically received your actual share in the state ownership. As a result, there was a difficult situation, requiring simultaneous increase in the consumption Fund and the accumulation Fund. It is stated that wealth is in use, not ownership. Therefore, for the development of the country, it is necessary to reconstruct and update the existing production, which is loaded by no more than 60% of its capacity, due to the policy of its innovative development, that is, there are no strategies for capital and it potential. Therefore, there is a huge performance reserves. Hence, the employment of workers is relatively small. Today we need a Fund-intensive direction of scientific and technological progress, a new reproductive strategy, coordinated with the widespread use of financial leasing and lease. All of the objective issues in the development of production can be solved in the next 3-5 years and provide a 3-6% annual GDP growth. Still, ownership relations in the period of reform, was not considered from the viewpoint of production efficiency, which promised one or another form of ownership. It is no accident that for centuries state property has been preserved, regardless of the ideology prevailing in the society, and private individual property is transformed into an associated, built on shared (mutual) principles. Economic efficiency ensures no private property, and the complete set has been built incentives and disincentives. Meanwhile, the Russian reformers do not intend to take the lease and lease to an honorable place in their programs, ignoring these conditions and, thereby, both Russia's own historical and economic experience, and all foreign experience. When the life cycle of an advanced firm's goods is shorter than the depreciation period of fixed assets, the acquisition of the latter into ownership is impractical. As a result, the growth of the country's economy increased the refinancing rate, but at the same time, reduced the size of GDP. New reforms in the management of the leasing process by the state as well as ways to improve them are proposed. At present, it is necessary to show and severely punish the irrational and economically illiterate use of the country's national wealth for selfish purposes, to the detriment of the country, openly conduct and solve all the necessary legal economic problems and prevent negative actions and consequences in this regard. The article describes the economic reforms of the XXI century in Russia, their goals, objectives, advantages and disadvantages. It is pointed out that wealth is precisely in use, not in ownership. Today we need a Fund-intensive direction of scientific and technological progress, a new reproductive strategy, coordinated with the widespread use of financial leasing and lease. New reforms in the management of the leasing process on the part of the state a, as well as ways to improve them are proposed
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Keywords: the essence of economic reforms of the XXI century in Russia is considered, new forms and ways of management of leasing process from the state are offered.
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UDC 38.262(100)
Property relations and economic mechanism
Abstract. The article describes the economic reforms of the XXI century in Russia, their goals, objectives, advantages and disadvantages. To quickly solve the problem of establishing a market economy in the country, the first stage of mass privatization in time was practically connected with the liberalization of prices, foreign economic activity and the elimination of policy planning. Thus in economic reform, the emphasis was mostly on private property, with the result that the savings Bank depositors and creditors state insurance is not automatically received your actual share in the state ownership. As a result, there was a difficult situation, requiring simultaneous increase in the consumption Fund and the accumulation Fund. It is stated that wealth is in use, not ownership. Therefore, for the development of the country, it is necessary to reconstruct and update the existing production, which is loaded by no more than 60% of its capacity, due to the policy of its innovative development, that is, there are no strategies for capital and it potential. Therefore, there is a huge performance reserves. Hence, the employment of workers is relatively small. Today we need a Fund-intensive direction of scientific and technological progress, a new reproductive strategy, coordinated with the widespread use of financial leasing and lease. All of the objective issues in the development of production can be solved in the next 3-5 years and provide a 3-6% annual GDP growth. Still, ownership relations in the period of reform, was not considered from the viewpoint of production efficiency, which promised one or another form of ownership. It is no accident that for centuries state property has been preserved, regardless of the ideology prevailing in the society, and private individual property is transformed into an associated, built on shared (mutual) principles. Economic efficiency ensures no private property, and the complete set has been built incentives and disincentives. Meanwhile, the Russian reformers do not intend to take the lease and lease to an honorable place in their programs, ignoring these conditions and, thereby, both Russia's own historical and economic experience, and all foreign experience. When the life cycle of an advanced firm's goods is shorter than the depreciation period of fixed assets, the acquisition of the latter into ownership is impractical. As a result, the growth of the country's economy increased the refinancing rate, but at the same time, reduced the size of GDP. New reforms in the management of the leasing process by the state as well as ways to improve them are proposed. At present, it is necessary to show and severely punish the irrational and economically illiterate use of the country's national wealth for selfish purposes, to the detriment of the country, openly conduct and solve all the necessary legal economic problems and prevent negative actions and consequences in this regard. The article describes the economic reforms of the XXI century in Russia, their goals, objectives, advantages and disadvantages. It is pointed out that wealth is precisely in use, not in ownership. Today we need a Fund-intensive direction of scientific and technological progress, a new reproductive strategy, coordinated with the widespread use of financial leasing and lease. New reforms in the management of the leasing process on the part of the state a, as well as ways to improve them are proposed
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Keywords: the essence of economic reforms of the XXI century in Russia is considered, new forms and ways of management of leasing process from the state are offered.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2018-11-2-28-35