About the issue
June 2018 (published: 21.06.2018)
Number 2(33)
Estimation of specific investments in fixed assets of small and medium enterprises
Pinkovetskaia I.S.
Abstract. The relevance of the study is due to the implementation of the Federal strategy for the development of small and medium businesses for the period up to 2030. The aim of the work is to assess the investment in fixed capital of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and the impact on them of factors such as size categories of enterprises and their territorial location. The object of the study is SMEs located in each of the regions of Russia. Official statistics on the volume of investment in SMEs in 2016 for each of the 82 regions of the country were used. The comparative analysis of investment in fixed assets of SMEs by region and size of enterprises is based on relative indicators, namely per enterprise and per employee. Statistical methods of formation and processing of data arrays and economic and mathematical modeling based on the development of normal distribution density functions were used in the work. According to the generally accepted criteria, the analysis confirmed the high quality of the normal distribution density functions. As a result of the work, new information was obtained on the values of investments in fixed assets in three dimensional categories and 82 regions of Russia. The developed functions of normal distribution and the information obtained can be used to determine the estimated needs for financial resources of SMEs, the development of ratings of the investment climate in the regions, substantiate plans to support enterprises, including the provision of grants, subsidies, subventions, grants. The results of the study can be used by entrepreneurs, credit institutions, as well as state and regional authorities to monitor the effectiveness of investment in fixed assets and the implementation of the Federal strategy for the development of SMEs for the period up to 2030.
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Keywords: small enterprises, microenterprises, medium enterprises, investment in fixed capital, regions, function of normal distribution.
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UDC 332.05
Estimation of specific investments in fixed assets of small and medium enterprises
Abstract. The relevance of the study is due to the implementation of the Federal strategy for the development of small and medium businesses for the period up to 2030. The aim of the work is to assess the investment in fixed capital of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and the impact on them of factors such as size categories of enterprises and their territorial location. The object of the study is SMEs located in each of the regions of Russia. Official statistics on the volume of investment in SMEs in 2016 for each of the 82 regions of the country were used. The comparative analysis of investment in fixed assets of SMEs by region and size of enterprises is based on relative indicators, namely per enterprise and per employee. Statistical methods of formation and processing of data arrays and economic and mathematical modeling based on the development of normal distribution density functions were used in the work. According to the generally accepted criteria, the analysis confirmed the high quality of the normal distribution density functions. As a result of the work, new information was obtained on the values of investments in fixed assets in three dimensional categories and 82 regions of Russia. The developed functions of normal distribution and the information obtained can be used to determine the estimated needs for financial resources of SMEs, the development of ratings of the investment climate in the regions, substantiate plans to support enterprises, including the provision of grants, subsidies, subventions, grants. The results of the study can be used by entrepreneurs, credit institutions, as well as state and regional authorities to monitor the effectiveness of investment in fixed assets and the implementation of the Federal strategy for the development of SMEs for the period up to 2030.
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Keywords: small enterprises, microenterprises, medium enterprises, investment in fixed capital, regions, function of normal distribution.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1172-2018-11-2-12-18