About the issue
December 2013 (published: 02.12.2013)
Number 4(15)
The features of unemployment in a large city
Yakovleva A.V.
Abstract. The specific role of a large city is currently determined by the fact that in a post-industrial economy it attracts all types of resources – material, human, and especially credit, financial or investment resources – to a far greater degree than previously at the stages of rural and industrial development. Large city is becoming a key, more completed and primate institutional structure of the economy. All other areas are also affected by it. Therefore, learning the features of modern unemployment in large cities helps to get a clearer picture of the problems constraining the development of economy in general and labor market in particular.
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Keywords: city, large city, mega-city, unemployment
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UDC 331
The features of unemployment in a large city
Abstract. The specific role of a large city is currently determined by the fact that in a post-industrial economy it attracts all types of resources – material, human, and especially credit, financial or investment resources – to a far greater degree than previously at the stages of rural and industrial development. Large city is becoming a key, more completed and primate institutional structure of the economy. All other areas are also affected by it. Therefore, learning the features of modern unemployment in large cities helps to get a clearer picture of the problems constraining the development of economy in general and labor market in particular.
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Keywords: city, large city, mega-city, unemployment